All artwork is copyright to The Artist Centaine Smith née Flood under the name of Cherry Sparks Illustrations, unless otherwise stated.

By purchasing a print or original artwork you are purchasing the physical print or artwork only, as such you do not have the rights to alter, make copies of, or redistribute that artwork in any way. 

To discuss the purchase of redistribution rights please contact The Artist

The Artist reserves the right to create as many print runs or versions of any artwork as she sees fit. 

For commissioned pieces, the artist will guarantee exclusivity to the best of her ability. Your personalised piece will be original and not recreated in the exact way. The artist will ask if an image of the created artwork can be shared on her social media and or on her website.

Prices may change at any time for any number of reasons, and any artwork may be discontinued or removed from the store without notice.

Any information given when signing to purchase, or purchasing an artwork is kept strictly private and confidential.